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National Private Sector Development Specialist at FAO April 2024

Food and Agriculture Organization
Jobs in Tanzania 2024: New Job Vacancies at Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2024


Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Jobs 2024

Job Description
National Private Sector Development Specialist
Closure Date: 11/May/2024, 12:59:00 AM
Organizational Unit: FRURT – FAO Representation in Tanzania
Job Type: Non-staff opportunities
Type of Requisition: PSA (Personal Services Agreement)
Grade Level: N/A
Primary Location: Tanzania, United Republic of
Duration: 45 Days
Post Number: N/A

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that Closure Date and Time displayed above are based on date and time settings of your personal device
seeks gender, geographical and linguistic diversity in its staff and
international consultants in order to best serve FAO Members in all

  • FAO is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality, background and culture
  • Qualified
    female applicants, qualified nationals of non-and under-represented
    Members and person with disabilities are encouraged to apply
  • Everyone
    who works for FAO is required to adhere to the highest standards of
    integrity and professional conduct, and to uphold FAO’s values
  • FAO,
    as a Specialized Agency of the United Nations, has a zero-tolerance
    policy for conduct that is incompatible with its status, objectives and
    mandate, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment,
    abuse of authority and discrimination  
  • All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks
  • All applications will be treated with the strictest confidentiality
  • FAO
    staff are subject to the authority of the Director-General, who may
    assign them to any of the activities or offices of the Organization.

Organizational Setting
fisheries and aquaculture production has grown significantly over the
last 20 years. However, to ensure sustainable development of aquatic
resources for the benefit of communities that rely on them for their
livelihoods and food security, many challenges, including gender
mainstreaming, market access, food safety, value addition, working
conditions and the risk of over-exploitation, remain to be addressed. It
is in this context that in 2017, the African, Caribbean and Pacific
(ACP) fisheries and aquaculture ministries called for urgent action to
enhance fish value chains’ productivity and competitiveness while
ensuring long-term sustainability and social inclusiveness. In response,
the Secretariat of the Organization of the African, Caribbean, and
Pacific States (OACPS), the European Commission/DG-INTPA, German Federal
Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), collaborated
to design a programme to develop and test a methodology for implementing
fisheries and aquaculture focused on value chain analysis and

The FISH4ACP Project “Sustainable Development of
Fisheries and Aquaculture Value Chains (VC) in ACP Countries” is a
five-year European Union and BMZ-funded programme launched in January
2020. FISH4ACP aims to i) improve stakeholders understanding of the
functioning of the value chain and will support them in developing
specific improvement strategies; ii) increase micro, small and
medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) economic performance through
strengthened market access, conducive business and regulatory
environments; iii) improve the inclusiveness and the social
sustainability at the different stages within the value chain; iv)
enhance environmental sustainability of selected value chains through
improved management of natural resources and increased consideration for
climate change and v) facilitate MSMEs’ access to additional sources of
finance and investment. In 2020, the FISH4ACP programme began a
thorough value chain analysis (VCA) of the Lake Tanganyika dagaa and
perch fishery value chain in Tanzania.

The VCA followed an
agreed methodology, which built upon the Sustainable Food Value Chain
(SFVC) approach of FAO, and that of the European Commission – Value
Chain analysis for development (VCA4D). The purpose of this analysis was
to obtain a good understanding of the functioning and performance of
the value chain; identify the key challenges and underperformances; and
to identify the main upgrading opportunities. The result of the VCA is a
full Analysis and Design Report that includes a summary of upgrading
activities and investments. Within the upgrading activities, the
National private sector development Specialist (hereinafter referred to
as the incumbent) will play a key role in delivery of FISH4ACP Outcome 1
– VC actors adopt improved processing and cold chain techniques. More
specifically, Outputs: 1.4. Facilities in strategically located landing
sites upgraded and 1.5. Landing site management and service provision
capacity strengthened. Specific activities are detailed within the Scope
of work. This work will be carried out in Tanzania in fishing
communities bordering Lake Tanganyika.

Reporting Lines
incumbent will work closely with the FAO Tanzania. All reports will be
submitted to the FAO Tanzania and upon request to the Project Management
Unit (PMU) on dates as may be mutually agreed during the contract

The reports will be reviewed by a peer team to be
constituted from FAO/FISH4ACP experts and Government representative. The
final report shall be submitted both in English and Kiswahili languages
and submitted in soft copies for each landing site.

Technical Focus
The incumbent will:

In close coordination with the FAO project, the National private
sector development specialist will lead and coordinate the collation,
provision and exchange of information related to the decisions taken by
the project in the development of product under outputs 1.4 and 1.5 of
FISH4ACP upgrading strategy and provide timely advice, analysis,
reporting, data management and general support to the FAO
Tanzania/FISH4ACP PMU.

Tasks and responsibilities
incumbent will work closely with the FAO Tanzania and consult project
PMU to ensure that current findings and actions that are being delivered
for FISH4ACP are further enhanced and integrated through this work.

The incumbent will be required to

Identify possible funding mechanisms for Beach Management Units
(BMU) and selected fish landing sites to promote sustainability of the
operational costs of cold chain and other existing facilities.

Identify BMUs with no cold chain facilities and identify other funding
sources that will enable BMUs and fish landing sites to operate their
activities based on their mandate.
• identify funding mechanisms
for the selected fish landing sites that can support new or maintain
existing activities/facilities such as maintenance of the ice plants,
pays electricity bills, pays water bills and other renovation or
management cost without relying on external funding from LGA or donors.

Develop targeted business Plans for the selected 10 BMUs and 3
strategic fish landing sites based on identified funding mechanisms for
operation of their activities.
• Train beneficiaries on use and implementation of the developed business plans.
• Prepare Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) and provide guidelines regarding day-to-day operation of the facilities.

Minimum Requirements

The incumbent needed for the assignment should be an Individual researcher or academician with the following qualifications:

Advanced degree in Marketing, Business administration, Agriculture
or Fisheries Economy, Natural resources, or social science.
• Working knowledge is English and Kiswahili.
• At least 5 years’ experience in the preparation of bankable business or action Plans.
• National of Tanzania or resident in the country with a valid work permit.

FAO Core Competencies
• Results Focus
• Teamwork
• Communication
• Building Effective Relationships
• Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement

Technical/Functional Skills
The incumbent needed for the assignment should have the following technical qualifications:
• Experience in managing Cold Chain System (CCS)
• Demonstrated writing, analytical, presentation and reporting skills.
• Experience conducting business planning and market research with proven results.
• Evidence of experience as a trainer in influencing policy implementation will be an added advantage.

Availability to travel to the field sites, and ability to work well
with and guide (both in person and from a distance) a local team.
• Demonstrated interest in social enterprises and experience analysis financial sustainability of non‐profit organizations.
• Knowledge of the region / country context and aquatic products will be rated positively

note that all candidates should adhere to FAO Values of Commitment to
FAO, Respect for All and Integrity and Transparency.


FAO does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing).
Incomplete applications will not be considered. If you need help or have queries, please contact:
Applications received after the closing date will not be accepted.
language proficiency certificates from UN accredited external providers
and/or FAO language official examinations (LPE, ILE, LRT) will be
accepted as proof of the level of knowledge of languages indicated in
the online applications.
For other issues, visit the FAO employment website:
will be subject to certification that the candidate is medically fit
for appointment, accreditation, any residency or visa requirements, and
security clearances.

• To apply, visit the recruitment website at Jobs at FAO
and complete your online profile. We strongly recommend that your
profile is accurate, complete and includes your employment records,
academic qualifications, and language skills
• Candidates are requested to attach a letter of motivation to the online profile
• Once your profile is completed, please apply, and submit your application
• Candidates may be requested to provide performance assessments and
authorization to conduct verification checks of past and present work,
character, education, military and police records to ascertain any and
all information which may be pertinent to the employment qualifications
• Incomplete applications will not be considered
• Personal information provided on your application may be shared
within FAO and with other companies acting on FAO’s behalf to provide
employment support services such as pre-screening of applications,
assessment tests, background checks and other related services. You will
be asked to provide your consent before submitting your application.
You may withdraw consent at any time, by withdrawing your application,
in such case FAO will no longer be able to consider your application
• Only applications received through the FAO recruitment portal will be considered
• Your application will be screened based on the information provided in your online profile
• We encourage applicants to submit the application well before the deadline date.
If you need help, or have queries, please contact:
Closure Date
: 11/May/2024, 12:59:00 AM


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