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Board Members Jobs at World Vision International Tanzania

World Vision International Jobs 2024
World Vision International
Jobs in Tanzania 2024: New Job Vacancies at World Vision International 2024


World Vision International Jobs 2024

Board Members

Board Members Jobs at World Vision International November 2024

Job Type: Full-time
Seeking for Prospective Board Members Re-advertised
ā€œThen Jesus moved with compassion, stretched out his handā€ (Mark 1:40).
is a call on the hearts of those with compassion to reach out to
children and communities in need through World Vision Tanzania. World
Vision is a Christian, Child-Focused, and Community-Empowering
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), operating in 16 Regions in

We wish to recruit highly qualified, motivated, very dedicated, and
result-oriented Christian leaders/influencers in their respective fields
to serve as Board members on a voluntary basis. Collectively, the
qualified candidate should represent a relevant diversity in experience,
competence, age, gender, church affiliation, ethnicity, and geographic
background. As such, both men and women are encouraged to apply.

individuals should be able to provide thought leadership on development
issues and have a track record as key contributors to poverty reduction
and development at a policy level. This may be evidenced by previous
participation at the executive or board level in the public, private, or
non-profit sectors where the organizational outcomes are clearly
contributing to positive social change.

Currently, we are
seeking an individual with demonstrated high-level expertise that
contributes to positive social change in Tanzania in one of the
following sectors:

  • Fundraising/Resource Mobilization
  • Marketing

Read Also:

Other helpful qualities include:

  • Being a witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God, through selflessly serving the communities.
  • A
    well-connected leader who is passionate about World Vision and can
    leverage his/her networks both internally and externally to mobilize
    resources needed by the ministry to fulfill its mission.
  • The ideal board candidate(s) should have prior board experience or have received formal board training.
  • A heart for the poor and a good steward to the Ministry of World Vision Tanzania.
  • English language fluency (written and verbal).
  • Good communication skills including public speaking and presentation skills.
  • Must
    be a resilient, humble, and committed Christian who participates in the
    worship and life of a local church (a Trinitarian denomination).
  • Willing
    and available during her/his tenure, to participate in the Board and
    its committees on a voluntary basis, since serving at World Vision
    Tanzania Board is a Ministry.

As a child-focused
organization which upholds the rights and well-being of children, our
recruitment and selection procedures include screening and background
checking for child abuse offenses.

send an application letter explaining why you would like to be on the
Board and attach a CV with church and professional references via email
The deadline for applications: 02.12.2024.
ā€œWVT does not request or accept money from applicants as part of its recruitment processes.ā€


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