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National Consultant United Nations at ILO Tanzania

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International Labour Organization

Jobs in Tanzania 2024: New Job Opportunities at International Labour Organization (ILO) 2024


 International Labour Organization (ILO) Jobs 2024
National Consultant 

National Consultant United Nations at ILO July 2024
Labour migration is a source of employment and livelihoods
for millions of migrant workers worldwide, including for Tanzanian’s.
The push factors for migration in Tanzania like in other developing
countries include high levels of unemployment and the socio-economic and
environmental conditions within the country, while the pull factors
include opportunities for better life such as, higher salaries, better
quality of education and health care in the countries of destination.
Majority of Tanzania migrant workers are usually concentrated in the
Domestic work sector in the Gulf. To ensure the success of their
migration experience, and adequately prepare them for the job roles,
migrant workers need to be well prepared for their experience in
destination countries.

Accordingly, there is a need to develop a
tailor-made vocational skills training and comprehensive pre-departure
orientation manual/guide for Tanzania’s potential migrant workers
including those domestic work sector.
need emanates from the increasing emigration trends whereby the majority
of low skilled Tanzanians are currently emigrating to various countries
in the world in search of employment opportunities majority of whom are
finding their way to Gulf countries where demand for domestic workers
is very high.

In 2023 Tanzania signed two Bilateral Labour
Migration Agreements (BLMA) with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab
Emirates adding to the BLA with Qatar which was signed in 2014 and came
into its implementation in 2021, Tanzania currently have concluded 3
BLMAs. The main objective of the signed BLMAs is to facilitate access to
employment opportunities and regulate the employment of Tanzanians in
these countries. Domestic work is among the sectors that are considered
in the current BLMAs.

The successful implementation of the signed
BLMAs will depend among other things on the quality of migrating
workers’ skills level and attitude toward work and cultural orientation
between Tanzania and the destination countries. With the increasing
demand for domestic workers globally, it’s imperative to equip them with
the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to excel in their roles,
ensure their safety, and promote their well-being. Therefore, it is
necessary to develop a comprehensive vocational skills and pre-departure
training manual tailored specifically for domestic workers market
dynamic, the Government through the Ministry of Labour, and Skills

The current Situation.
Migrant remittance inflows (US$ million)
Tanzania Burundi Kenya Rwanda Uganda Malawi
2015 388 51 1,569 159 902 41
2016 403 31 1,745 173 1,146 34
2017 403 34 1,962 215 1,166 41
2018 430 36 2,720 230 1,245 45
2022 697.90 48.3 4,100 472 1,300 259

Remittance 0 .8 1.4 3.6 3.9 2.3 2.3
as % of GDP in 2022

of Tanzanians for employment opportunities is an important development
aspect due to its contribution to GDP and in addressing youth
unemployment in the country. The administrative statistics available
with the Employment Services Unit (TaESA) indicate that between July
2023 and February 2024, a total of 2,467 Tanzanians were facilitated to
migrate through official channels. Out of those, 95.5 per cent migrated
to the Gulf as shown in Table II below. Out of the total migrant
workers, 96.51 per cent (2,381) were low-skilled, while only 2.4 per
cent were individuals with high skill levels and the remaining

1.1 per cent were individuals with medium skills level as indicated in table below.
above indicate slow but gradual increase in labour emigration trends in
Tanzania. It also shows that almost all outbound migrant workers are
low skilled. Majority of them are in the Domestic work sectors yet
training programmes and opportunities for DW in Tanzania are very
limited and little information exist on their scope and relevance. This
assignment is intended to gather information that will inform review and
upgrade the training programmes and predeparture orientation processes.

Domestic work sector in Tanzania

The last reported data in
2014 indicated that there were nearly 1 million domestic workers in the
United Republic of Tanzania. However recent trends show that the
contribution of domestic work to wage employment has increased five
folds in less than 10 years from 0.2 percent in 2014 to 5.5 percent in
2021 signifying the growth and significance of the sector in wage
employment for mainland Tanzania.

2. Objectives of the assignment
overall objective is to improve the quality and relevance of Skills
development offered for Domestic workers in Tanzania by aligning it with
local and overseas market dynamics for improved employment outcomes of
workers including prospective migrant domestic workers.

Specifically, the consultant will

  • Map,
    review and compare existing domestic work occupational standards and
    curricula in Tanzania with 4 countries (1 from Asia, 2 from Africa, and 1
    from the Gulf countries).
  • Based on the mapping and review, the
    consultant will produce a brief but concise report with a comparability
    matrix, clearly showing the gaps and recommendations for improvements.
  • Review
    and upgrade the Tailor-made Vocational Skills curriculum for domestic
    work to align it with good practice and labour market dynamics for local
    and overseas market dynamics.
  • Review and upgrade the Pre-Departure Training Manual to align it with international practice on pre-departure orientation.

3. Scope of work
assignment has three parts. The first part covers the mapping, review,
and gap analysis of occupational standards and or curricula of DW
occupations in comparison with the OS and curricular in 4 countries.
second part review the existing predeparture orientation programme in
Tanzania and compare it international standard. Based on the reviews
The third part involves guiding and facilitating technical
review sessions of the OS, curricular and predeparture orientation
manual based on the identified gaps.

4. Timeline
The assignment should take 30 days to be completed but within 3 months. Starting from 1st September 2024- 30 November 2024.

5. Methodology
successful consultant will, based on their understanding of the
requirements of this assignment and expertise, articulate and advise on
the best methodology. However, it is expected that the methodology
applied would include reviewing existing literature and conducting only
limited and essential interviews, especially with relevant industry
people and relevant informants in the sector. The first and second parts
of the assignment will mainly be carried out through a literature
review. Where it is necessary for interviews, the consultant is advised
to consider targeted sampling of relevant experts for information that
cannot be found otherwise.

6. Deliverables

  • An
    inception report detailing the workplan, methodology, tools and sources
    of data envisaged in consultations for review by ILO and PMO LYED,
    CHODAWU, Vocational Training Authority and NACTVET
  • Preliminary draft report for review by ILO
  • Draft
    report of the mapping and review exercise of both documents accompanied
    with a PowerPoint presentation before a technical team on the key
    findings and major recommendations for improvement.
  • Final Report incorporating comments from technical team.
  • Final Drafts incorporating inputs from technical review team of: 
    • Revised OS, and curricular for DW
    • Predeparture orientation Manual

7. Deliverables & Timeframe
first week of Sept
Inception report – 2nd week after contracting
First draft of the report 5-6th week after contracting (including comments)
Validation of the report 7th week after contracting
Final report – 8th week after contracting
Final Drafts of revised OS, curricular and Predeparture manual – 11th Week After signing the contract
Read Also:

8. Qualification & Experience

  • The preferred candidate for this assignment, should have demonstrated experience in carrying out similar or related assignments.
  • He
    or she should have proven knowledge on Occupational profile and
    standards development, curriculum design and training methodology
  • The candidate with understanding of labour market
    dynamics of the domestic work sector and labour migration dynamics for
    both countries of destination (preferably the GCC) and countries of
    origin (Tanzania) will have an advantage.
  • The applicant should have proven excellent report writing skills.
  • The
    candidate should have advanced degree in social sciences, economics,
    human resource development, education, or TVET or related fields.

9. Criteria for Evaluation

successful consultant will have a mix of relevant expertise,
qualifications, and experience in the focus areas related to this
assignment. The proposals will be evaluated on a weighted score of 70
for technical proposal and 30 for financial proposal. Evaluation of the
suitability of the consultant to work on this assignment will be made
against the following criteria:

Evaluation Criteria/profile of a consultant
Maximum score
Qualification of the individual consultant

individual consultant needs to have a minimum of advanced university
degree in relevant field as described in the ToR above 10

Understanding of labour market dynamics of labour migration preferably of the target origin and destination countries 10

experience in carrying similar assignments before for (at least 5 years
verified by specific description in his/her profile and sampled work
annexed. Focus will be relevance, reporting skills and quality of past
work and international experience. 20

Maximum Points for A 40 Proposed approach to deliver the objectives of the ToR’s
demonstrates (via submitted technical proposal) their clarity on
understanding the objectives and scope of the assignment. 30

demonstrate (through the submitted technical proposal) a methodological
approach fit to meet the intended objectives as the ToR 30

Maximum point for B 60
Total (A+B) 100

Maximum threshold for technical proposal to be considered for financial evaluation 70

10. Payment schedule

Payment Schedule
Time frame
report: detailed inception report explaining consultant ’s
understanding of the ToR/assignment, methodology, research tools, work
plan and outline of the report

First Payment: 20% of total payment
Upon submission of the final draft of the inception report by end 3rd Week
Draft Report: The consultant will submit the first comprehensive draft
report fully incorporating and reflecting comments and inputs provided
to the inception report and highlighting as such in track changes or
otherwise and clean copy. ILO will review the draft report and provide
their feedback with 10 calendar days.

Second Payment
40% of total payment
Upon submission of the first draft of the report incorporating comments from ILO by 7th Week
Report: the consultant will incorporate comments from the stakeholder
validation workshop and submit the final report within 5 working days
after the validation workshop.

20% of total payment
Upon submitting of the final report incorporating comments from a validation workshop by 8th Week
Drafts of the Revised OS, Curricular and Predeparture training manual.
ILO will take 5 days to review the submitted documents

20% of the total contract
submission of the final Drafts of the Revised OS, Curricular and
predeparture training manual by 11th week after signing the contract.

How to apply
All interested individual consultant can send questions if any to ( until 17 July 2024. Questions will be answered and shared with the interested individual consultant by the Close of Business on 19 July 2024. Completed technical and financial proposals are to be submitted to by the Close of Business on 25th July 2023.

This is not a job post. Only individual consultant who submits a technical and financial proposal will be considered.
Offers from a firm and a group of individual consultants will not be considered.


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