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Invitation For Bids at Ministry of Defense and National Service June 2024

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New Opportunities at at Ministry of Defence and National Service June 2024


Invitation For Bids at Ministry of Defense and National Service June 2024

New Opportunities at at Ministry of Defence and National Service June 2024
Invitation For Bids at Ministry of Defense and National Service June 2024
TENDER NO: IE/035/2024-25/JKT/G/01

  • This
    Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) for
    this financial year 2024/2025 which appeared in Daily News and Habari
    Leo dated 18th June 2024 and 19th June 2024 respectively.
  • The
    Government of Tanzania has set aside funds for the operation of the
    Ministry of Defence and National Service during the financial year
    2024/2025. It is intended that part of the proceeds of the funds will be
    used to cover eligible payment under the contract for supply of various

Read Also:

  • The
    JKT Tender Board now invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers of
    various goods and services as stipulated below under National
    Competitive Bidding procedures specified in the Public Procurement Act
    2011 (Goods, Works, Non-Consultant Services and Disposal of Public
    Assets by Tender) and Regulations 2013 – Government Notice No. 446.
1. Hospital Equipment and Supplies
2. Laboratory Equipment and Supplies
3. Drugs and Medicine supplies (Pharmaceuticals)
4. Fuel (Diesel, Petrol and Kerosene)
5. Lubricants
6. Motor vehicles and Plants spare parts
7. Uniforms and Ceremonial Dress
8. Barracks and Accommodation
9. Computer, Printer and Office Equipment
10. Office Furniture and Fittings
  • Bidding will be conducted using the National Competitive bidding
    procedures specified in the Public Procurement Regulations 2013 –
    Government Notice No. 446 and are open to all Bidders as defined in the
  • Interested eligible bidders may obtain further
    information from and inspect the Bidding Documents at the office of the
    Secretary, JKT Tender Board, National Service Headquarters (NSHQs),
    Chamwino, P.O. Box 2963, Dodoma from00am to 2.00pm on Mondays to Fridays
    inclusive except on public holidays. 
  • A complete set of Bidding
    Document(s) in English Language and additional sets may be purchased
    upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Tshs 50,000.00 per Lot to the
    Office of Director of Finance National Service Head Quarters, after
    payment submit the Pay Slip to the Office of Secretary, JKT Tender Board
    for documents collection.
  • All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Securing Declaration in the format provided in the Bidding Documents.
  • All
    bids duly completed in one original plus two copies should be enclosed
    and submitted in plain sealed envelope, marked “TENDER NO:
    IE/035/2024-25/JKT/G/01 Lot No. [Insert lot number and name], must be
    delivered by hand to the address below at or before 12.00 pm Tuesday
    09th July, 2024. Bids will be opened promptly thereafter in public and
    in the presence of bidders’ representative who choose to attend in
    opening at the National Service Headquarters (NSHQs) Chamwino, P.O. Box
    2963, Dodoma.
  • Late Bids, Portion of Bids, Electronic Bids, Bids
    not received, Bids not opened and not read out in public at the bid
    opening ceremony, shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of
    the circumstances.

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