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New Various Tenders Vacancies at TAZARA June 2024

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Jobs in Tanzania 2024: New Job Opportunities at The Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) 2024



New Tender Opportunities at TAZARA June 2024
: TZR/ HQ/CTC/2023/2024/02
INVITATION TO BID FOR Supply Of Engine Oils And Lubricants

  • The
    Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) has set aside funds for its
    operations during the 2024/2025 Financial Year. It is intended that part
    of the proceeds will be used to cover eligible payments under the
    contract for Supply of Engine Oils and Lubricants. TAZARA now invites
    sealed tenders from eligible Suppliers of Engine Oils and Lubricants.
  • Tendering
    will be conducted through the open national competitive bidding method,
    as per tendering procedures specified in the TAZARA Procurement and
    Supplies Manual of September, 2011.
  • Interested eligible
    Tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the Tendering
    Documents at the office of The Secretary to the Central Tender
    Committee, TAZARA Head Office, Nyerere /Mandela Road Junction. P. 0. Box
    2834, Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania or Lusaka Area Manager, TAZARA House,
    Independence / Dedan Kimathi Road Junction, P. 0. Box 31784 Lusaka
    Zambia from 08.00 to 16.30 hours C.A.T or E.A.T, Monday to Friday,
    except on public holidays.
  • A complete set of Tendering
    Document(s) in English and additional sets may be purchased by
    interested Tenderers on the submission of a written application to the
    address given under paragraph 4 above and upon payment of a non-
    refundable fee of $200 (United States Dollar Two Hundred) only. Payment
    should be either by Cash, Banker’s Draft, or Banker’s Cheque, payable to
    Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority.

Read Also:

  • All tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Securing Declaration in the format provided in the Tendering Documents.
  • All
    tenders in one original hard copy plus 1 (one) soft copy on a USB Drive
    (Flash Disk), properly filled in, and enclosed in plain envelope marked
    “Tender No: TZR/ HQ/CTC/2023/2024/02 for the Supply of Engine Oils and
    Lubricants” must be addressed and delivered to the Secretary to the
    Central Tender Committee, Office No. 210, TAZARA Head Office, Nyerere /
    Mandela Road Junction, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania or the Office of the Area
    Manager, Lusaka Area Office, 2nd Floor Room 202, TAZARA House,
    Independence/Dedani Kimathi Road Junction, Lusaka, Zambia at or before
    10.00 hours C.A.T or 11.00 E.A.T on Friday 19th July 2024. Tenders will
    be opened promptly thereafter in public, and in the presence of
    Tenderers/representatives who choose to attend the tender opening
    ceremony at TAZARA, Head Office Board Room in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania or
    TAZARA Lusaka Area office, TAZARA house 1st Floor, Board Room, Lusaka,
  • Late Tenders, Portion of Tenders, Electronic Tenders,
    Tenders not received and Tenders not opened and not read out in public
    at the tender opening ceremony shall not be accepted for evaluation
    irrespective of the circumstances.

TZR/ HQ/CTC/2023/2024/03
Supply Of Gas Oils At Nozzle Point And Management Of Gas Oil Depot(S)

  • The
    Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA) has set aside funds for its
    operations during the 2024/2025 Financial Year. It is intended that part
    of the proceeds will be used to cover eligible payments under the
    contract for the Supply of Gas Oils at Nozzle Point and Management of
    Gas Oil Depot(s).
  • TAZARA now invites sealed Bids from eligible
    National Suppliers for the supply of Gas Oil at Nozzle Point and
    Management of Gas Oil Depot(s) at Lot 1 – Yombo Depot in Dar Es Salaam,
    Tanzania; Lot 2 – Mbeya Depot in Mbeya, Tanzania; and Lot 5 – New Kapiri
    Mposhi Depot in Kapiri Mposhi, Zambia.
  • Tendering will be
    conducted through the open national competitive bidding method, as per
    tendering procedures specified in the TAZARA Procurement and Supplies
    Manual of September, 2011.
  • Interested eligible Tenderers may
    obtain further information and inspect the Tendering Documents at the
    office of The Secretary to the Central Tender Committee, TAZARA Head
    Office, Nyerere/Mandela Road Junction. P. 0. Box 2834, Dar-es-Salaam
    Tanzania or Lusaka Area Manager, TAZARA House, Independence/Dedan
    Kimathi Road Junction, P. 0. Box 31784 Lusaka Zambia from 08.00 to 16.30
    hours C.A.T or E.A.T, Monday to Friday, except on public holidays.
  • A
    complete set of Tendering Document(s) in English and additional sets
    may be purchased by interested Tenderers on the submission of a written
    application to the address given under paragraph 4 above and upon
    payment of a non- refundable fee of $200 (United States Dollar Two
    Hundred) only. Payment should be either by Cash, Banker’s Draft, or
    Banker’s Cheque, payable to Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority.
  • All tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Securing Declaration in the format provided in the Tendering Documents.
  • All
    tenders in one original hard copy plus 1 (one) soft copy on a USB Drive
    (Flash Disk), properly filled in, and enclosed in plain envelope marked
    ‘Tender No: TZR/ HQ/CTC/2023/2024/03 for the Supply of Gas Oil at
    Nozzle Point and Management of Gas Oil Depot(s)” must be addressed and
    delivered to the Secretary to the Central Tender Committee, Office No.
    210, TAZARA Head Office, Nyerere/Mandela Road Junction, Dar-es-Salaam,
    Tanzania or the Office of the Area Manager, Lusaka Area Office, 2nd
    Floor Room 202, TAZARA House, Independence/Dedani Kimathi Road Junction,
    Lusaka, Zambia at or before 10.00 hours C.A.T or 11.00 E.A.T on Friday
    19th July 2024. Tenders will be opened promptly thereafter in public,
    and in the presence of Tenderers/representatives who choose to attend
    the tender opening ceremony at TAZARA, Head Office Board Room in Dar es
    Salaam, Tanzania or TAZARA Lusaka Area office, TAZARA house 1st Floor,
    Board Room, Lusaka, Zambia.
  • Late Tenders, Portion of Tenders,
    Electronic Tenders, Tenders not received and Tenders not opened and not
    read out in public at the tender opening ceremony shall not be accepted
    for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances.
The Managing Director,
Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA),
Head Office, Nyerere/Mandela Road Junction,
P 0. Box 2834, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania

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