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National Consultant at UN Women Tanzania May 2024

UN Women

Jobs in Tanzania 2024: New Job Opportunities at UN Women Tanzania 2024


UN Women Tanzania Jobs 2024

National Consultant for the Evaluation of the Zanzibar Gender Policy 2016 and its Plan of Action (2016-2020) – READVERTISED
Advertised on behalf of
Location : Home-based, TANZANIA
Type of Contract :
Individual Contract
Starting Date : 10-Jun-2024
Post Level : National Consultant
Duration of Initial Contract : 40 w/days
Languages Required : English
Expected Duration of Assignment : 40 w/days 
is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender,
nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous
groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply.
All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. UNDP
does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment,
including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected
candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background

UN Women, grounded in the vision
of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for
the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the
empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and
men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights,
humanitarian action and peace and security.

The Revolutionary
Government of Zanzibar in collaboration with UN Women and with financial
support from the European Union Delegation has partnered to evaluate
the Gender Policy 2016 – 2020 and develop the next Gender Policy 2024 –

The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar has dedicated
itself to implement, monitor, and report its implementation of various
international and regional conventions, treaties, and commitments for
promoting gender equality and women empowerment. These
include the Declaration of the Human Rights 1948; the UN Convention on
the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW
1979); the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) 1989; the
Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination in Employment and
Occupation (1958); the Convention on Equal Remuneration for Work of
Equal Value (1951); the Beijing Platform for Action 1995; ICPD Plan of
Action 1994; the Convention on Workers with Family Responsibilities
(1981); The protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights
on the right of Women in Africa (Maputo Protocol,2003) and the
Convention on Maternity Protection (2000). The Millennium Declaration of
2000 emphasized the role of the UN on human rights by declaring the
Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment objective for UN member states
and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which have specific goal
number 5 on Gender equality and women empowerment as well as mainstream
gender in all its remaining goals. At the regional level, URT recognizes
the regional commitments as set in the provisions of the African
Charter on Human and People’s Rights, African Charter on Human and
Peoples’ Rights (1981), Declaration on the HIV/AIDS Epidemic at the XI
International Conference on AIDS and STDs in Africa (1999), Women’s
Declaration and Agenda for a Culture of Peace in Africa adopted at the
close of a Pan African Conference in Zanzibar, 1999 and Protocol to the
African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACPHR) on the Rights of
Women in Africa. Another important declaration is the SADC Declaration
on Gender and Development (1997), which binds member countries to
implement affirmative actions to promote female participation in
politics. At the country level, the Zanzibar Constitution of 1984
declares equal rights of men and women, and equal access to social,
economic, and development opportunities.

To ensure GEWE
commitments are achieved, the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar
established the national machinery mandated for overall GEWE
coordination which is currently the Ministry of Community Development
Gender Elderly and Children (MCDGEC). Amongst its key obligations is to
monitor and report on progress on the implementation of the RGoZ
commitments under various GEWE resolutions and instruments.

technical and financial support from UN Women and the European Union
Delegation, the MCDGEC plans to evaluate the Gender Policy 2016 – 2020
and develop the next Gender Policy 2024 – 2029 as an overarching gender
mainstreaming framework. The Zanzibar Gender Policy guides gender
mainstreaming in all spheres of life in Zanzibar.

The Policy
underscores and emphasizes the need to mainstream gender issues in all
national, sub-national and sectoral policies, programs, plans, and
budgets as well as promoting gender equity, equality, and women
empowerment as essential accelerators for promoting social justice,
peace, economic growth, and sound management of all sectors.

partnership is part of the EU Framework in Tanzania that aims at
embracing Gender Equality and Women’s empowerment as one of the main
priorities, singing a unique initiative called “Gender Transformative
Action: Breaking the Glass Ceiling” targeting both Tanzania Mainland and

Furthermore, the evaluation of the Gender Policy is
critical to be better aligned with national priorities as articulated in
Vision 2050, emerging Global and Regional commitments, and agreements
such as CSW agreed conclusions; At national levels, some changes have
happened in terms of national Development frameworks such as the
formulation of the new Vision 2050, medium development plan namely the
Zanzibar Development Plan (ZADEP (2021/22-2026/27, and the National
Gender Development Plan guiding the implementation of the United
Republic of Tanzania Generation Equality Action Coalition Commitments
especially on Women’s Economic Justice and Rights and other Action
Coalitions to mention a few. Also, since 2016, some important emerging
issues including COVID-19, and climate change have had disproportionate
impacts and implications on gender equality and to Gender Policy.

Evaluation will provide information on the extent to which progress has
been achieved, as well as identify challenges and emerging issues that
need to be taken into consideration in the Review of the Zanzibar Gender

The effective implementation of this assignment
requires a competent consultant with an adequate understanding of the
gender situation in Zanzibar and the context. He/she must have high
Oversight and experience in carrying out policy, program, and project
reviews, assessments, and evaluations. This assignment will be
supervised under the Permanent Secretary of the MCDGEC with technical
support from the Directorate of Community Development, Gender Elders,
and Children with technical support from UN Women. A designated
Oversight A Technical Committee will be established and composed of
selected key stakeholders and gender Oversights from other MDAs, UN
Agencies, DP, and CSOs to provide technical guidance and oversight to
the consultant(s) throughout the process of conducting the assignment.
The Oversight Technical Committee will also strengthen ownership of the
process. The consultant(s) shall be ultimately accountable to the
Principal Secretary (PS) of the MCDGEC for this assignment.

Duties and Responsibilities
main objective of this consultancy is to conduct an evaluation of the
Zanzibar Gender Policy 2016 and its Plan of Action (2016-2020),
including through a Literature review, Key Informants interviews, and
multi-stakeholder consultations including MDAs, Academia, Media, Private
Sector, DPs, CSOs, OPDs and FBOs to provide clear findings and
recommendations for consideration in the Review of the Zanzibar Gender
Policy to strengthen ongoing efforts towards achieving GEWE objectives
in Zanzibar.

More specifically, the objectives of the review are:

  • Assess
    the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, and sustainability
    of the Gender Policy of its performance against targets set out.
  • Identify
    new global, regional, and national evidence and emerging issues that
    have influenced the implementation of the policy-related programs.
  • Assess efficiency in the utilization of resources deployed in the implementation of policy.
  • Identify achievements, best practices, challenges, and lessons learned from the implementation of Policy
  • Assess
    the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, and sustainability
    of the Gender Policy of its performance against targets set out.
  • Identify
    new global, regional, and national evidence and emerging issues that
    have influenced the implementation of the policy-related programs.
  • Assess efficiency in the utilization of resources deployed in the implementation of policy.
  • Identify
    achievements, best practices, challenges, and lessons learned from the
    implementation of Policy the Zanzibar Gender Policy and Implementation
  • Draw recommendations and conclusions that will inform the development/ Review of the next Zanzibar Gender Policy.


4.1 To achieve the above objectives of the assignment, the tasks of the consultant and deliverables will include to:

4.1.1 Inception Phase

  • Conduct
    desk review/literature review of the available policies, programs,
    procedures/regulations, and reports, including global, regional, and
    national evidence and emerging issues that have influenced the
    implementation of the Policy related programs such as the Zanzibar
    Constitution, Parliamentary Reports, national budgetary allocations,
    policy guidelines, and legal frameworks pertinent to gender equality
    institutionalization, mainstreaming and implementation in the country.
  • Develop
    an inception report that demonstrates an understanding of the
    assignment, methodology/tools/checklist, stakeholders, and work plan and
    present it to the Oversight Technical Committee and officials
    responsible for coordinating the review of the Gender Policy, including
    the Gender Mainstreaming Technical Working Group (GMTWG).
  • Incorporate
    comments and present for the approval of the Final Inception Report,
    including revised tools, for the evaluation of the Gender Policy/
    Methodology and Review tools/checklists to the Permanent Secretary
    Ministry of Community Development Elderly and Children.

4.1.2 Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting

  • Lead
    National Government Ministries, Regional and LGAs consultations in both
    Unguja and Pemba / key-informant interviews National, Regional and LGAs
    consultations in both Unguja and Pemba using the agreed methodology,
    checklists, and tools including to assess stakeholders’ institutional
    and technical capacity, coordination, partnership building, resource
  • Conduct selected stakeholders’ consultations
    including UN agencies, development partners, autonomous agencies,
    non-governmental organizations/ civil society organizations, law
    enforcement agencies, the Judiciary, gender focal persons, private
    sector representatives, and media representatives.
  • Identify
    gender issues, challenges, and emerging issues that have been addressed
    by Zanzibar Gender Policy (2016) and its Plan of Action (2016-2020) in
    alignment with regional and global normative frameworks and national
    development priorities articulated in Vision 2050 and ZADEP.
  • Identify
    good practices, lessons learned/achievements, and gaps/challenges from
    the Zanzibar Gender Policy and its Plan of Action (2016-2020).
  • Develop
    a Draft Zanzibar Evaluation report that Incorporates all issues raised
    from the evaluation process according to the Gender Policy theme
    detailing the main findings from the evaluation of the Zanzibar Gender
    Policy and its Plan of Action (2016-2020) and recommendations to be
    considered in the Reviewed/next Gender Policy.
  • Share Draft
    Evaluation report /preliminary findings and recommendations with the
    Oversight Technical Committee; and the Gender Mainstreaming Technical
    Working Group (GMTWG) for feedback and inputs.
  • Organize and
    facilitate National multistakeholder consultative meetings including the
    Gender Mainstreaming Technical Working Group (GMTWG) to present and
    Validate the Draft Evaluation Report of the Zanzibar Gender Policy
    Evaluation and its Plan of Action (2016-2020) Plan
  • Incorporate
    inputs from national multistakeholder consultative meetings into the
    Draft Evaluation Report of the Zanzibar Gender Policy (2016) and its
    Plan of Action (2016-2020)
  • Present a Revised draft Evaluation
    report to the Oversight Technical Committee and the selected
    stakeholders for feedback and input.
  • Submit the final
    Evaluation Report of the Zanzibar Gender Policy (2016) and its Plan of
    Action (2016-2020) to the Principal Secretary of the Ministry of
    Community Development, Gender, Elders, and Children in both soft and
    hard copies to inform the drafting of the Reviewed Gender Policy.
  • Prepare minutes and activity reports from all consultative meetings and workshops at National, Regional, and LGA levels.
  • Develop
    and submit a Zanzibar Gender Policy evaluation process report that
    describes the entire evaluation process, a list of stakeholders
    consulted, a matrix of all stakeholders’ comments obtained throughout
    the evaluation; challenges encountered, and lessons learned.

5.0 Deliverables
The deliverables of this assignment will include:

  • Draft and Final Inception Report with detailed work plan, methodology, tools, roles, responsibilities, and time frame.
  • Literature
    Review Report detailing the main findings of relevant international,
    regional, and national documents, reports, and instruments, including
    the Zanzibar Constitution, Parliamentary Reports, national budgetary
    allocations, policy guidelines, and legal frameworks pertinent to gender
    equality institutionalization, mainstreaming, and implementation in the
  • Multi-Stakeholders’ Consultations Report to provide
    the main findings of in-depth consultations with key stakeholders
    (including, but not exclusive to, all relevant Government ministries and
    local government bodies, Members of the House of Representatives, the
    Gender Mainstreaming Technical Working Group, UN agencies, Development
    partners, autonomous agencies, professional organizations, and
    non-governmental organizations/ civil society organizations, law
    enforcement agencies, the Judiciary, gender focal persons, relevant, and
    private sector representatives).
  • Draft Evaluation Report of the
    Zanzibar Gender Policy and its Plan of Action (2016-2020) on
    preliminary findings and recommendations.
  • Final Evaluation report of the Zanzibar Gender Policy and its Plan of Action (2016-2020).
  • Zanzibar
    Gender Policy evaluation process report that describes the entire
    evaluation process, a list of stakeholders consulted, a matrix of all
    stakeholders’ comments obtained throughout the evaluation; challenges
    encountered, and lessons learned.

The consultant will carry
out the assignment for an overall period of workdays over three months
i.e. from 01 May 2024 to August 2024.

The consultant will sign
the contract which will provide the consultancy details including the
responsibilities, consultancy remuneration, modality of payments, and
logistical arrangements during the assignment.

Payments will be made upon submission and acceptance of specified deliverables and submission of an invoice as follows:


Expected completion time (due day)

Payment Schedule (optional)

Inception report with detailed work plan, data collection methodology, roles, responsibilities, and time frame

10th – 16th June 2024


Draft evaluation of the Policy including its action plan that includes.

  • Literature
    Review to detail the main findings of a desk review of all relevant
    international, regional, and national documents, reports, and
    instruments, including the Zanzibar Constitution and its current
    national policies related to Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in
  • Multistakeholder consultation Report to provide the
    main findings of in-depth consultations with a list of stakeholders
  • Draft Evaluation Report of the Zanzibar Gender Policy
    and its Plan of Action (2016-2020) that incorporates preliminary
    findings raised from the evaluation process according to Gender Policy
    thematic areas, emerging issues, and recommendations to be considered in
    the Reviewed Gender Policy


 17th June – 7th July 2024


Validated Evaluation report of the policy approved by the Technical
Oversight Committee, the Ministry’s Management and Inter-ministerial
Meeting, OMR

8th July – 20th July 2024


Submission of the final Evaluation Report

21st July – 4th August 2024





Consultant’s Workplace and Official Travel
This is a home-based consultancy.
As part of this assignment, there will be several travels to Pemba Island.

effective implementation of this assignment requires a competent
consultant with an adequate understanding of the gender situation in
Zanzibar. He/she must have high expertise and experience in carrying out
policy, program, and project reviews, assessments, and evaluations.
This assignment will be supervised under the Permanent Secretary of the
MCDGEC with technical support from the Directorate of Community
Development, Gender Elders, and Children with technical support from UN
Women. A designated Technical Committee will be established and
composed of selected key stakeholders and gender experts from other
MDAs, UN Agencies, DP, and CSOs to provide technical guidance and
oversight to the consultant(s) throughout the process of conducting the
assignment. The Technical Committee will also strengthen ownership of
the process. The consultant(s) shall be ultimately accountable to the
Principal Secretary (PS) of the MCDGEC for this assignment.

Core Values:

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism

Core Competencies:

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
  • Accountability
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Inclusive Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Leading by Example

Please visit this link for more information on UN Women’s Core Values and Competencies:


  • Strong technical knowledge and expertise in Gender Equality and Women Empowerment at all levels.
  • Outstanding technical knowledge and experience in the development of Capacity capacity-building government plans.
  • Outstanding writing skills, with proven ability to meet tight deadlines.
  • Communicates sensitively, effectively and creatively.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Advanced
    degree in gender and development, social science, development studies,
    planning, monitoring and evaluation, or related fields.
  • A project/program management certification would be an added advantage.


  • At least 5 years of progressively responsible work experience development of Gender-related policies.
  • Proven
    experience in review, assessment, and evaluation work in a development
    context and proven success in leading reviews of policies and programs,
    preferably related to gender.
  • Experience in the development of the Results Framework of the plan is required.
  • At
    least 10 years’ experience in assessing gender equality, women’s
    empowerment, human rights, and related policies and programs will be an
    added advantage.
  • Knowledge of the governance, policy development on gender equality, and women empowerment context within Zanzibar is an asset.
  • Ability and experience in interacting with people from diverse backgrounds.
  • Excellent analytical skills with a strong drive for results and capacity to work independently.

Fluency in English and Swahili is required.

Submission of application:

Kindly note that
applications without a completed and signed UN Women P-11 form will be
treated as incomplete and will not be considered for assessment.
Application Deadline : 19-May-24 (Midnight New York, USA)


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