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New Opportunities at Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) May 2024

World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF)
Jobs in Tanzania 2024: New Job Vacancies at The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) 2024


World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) Jobs 2024

Request For Tender – RFT at Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) May 2024
Request For Tender – RFT
Fund for Nature (WWF) is an International Conservation-NGO with the
mission to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and
build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. The goal of
the WWF Tanzania strategic plan is to ensure that by 2030, Tanzania’s
outstanding and globally significant natural wealth and biodiversity are
sustained and support equitable and gender-sensitive local livelihoods
and national economic development for present and future generations.

and Climate Change Program is among the five WWF Tanzania thematic
practice programmes. The programme is advocating for the government to
set ambitious policies and regulatory frameworks that favour climate
resilient, low carbon development, energy efficiency and renewable
energy for all. It is investing to support communities to adopt to the
impact of climate change in areas such as agriculture and food
production, forestry and water resources.

WWF Tanzania through
Energy and Climate Change Program has received grants from EU to support
implementation of “Integrated Approach for Transformation of Tanzania
Fuel Wood Value Chain Project-TFWVC”.This
is 3-year project that intends to strengthen capacity of Tanzania
government and public institutions to promote sustainable forest
management and wood-fuel production in rural areas with an overall aim
of enhancing environmental sustainability, particularly the
sustainability of the wood-fuel value chain.

The project is being
implemented in six regions of Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Tabora, Morogoro,
Tanga and Coastal regions. To this end, the project has planned to use
parts of funds to purchase various equipment to support government
entities in undertaking effective forest management while promoting
sustainable cooking energy solution.
Read Also:

Tanzania Country Office, invites submission of tender from competent,
qualified, reputable, reliable and experienced service providers
preferably, Manufacturers, Assembler, wholesalers and distributors (for
goods) who are willing to submit their tender to supply as per the above
tender categories.

LOT NO. Description # Qty/Units Brief Requirements
Lot 1 Supply of a Brand-New Motor Vehicle for WWF 03 units •                4WD
Standard Station Wagon. Diesel Engine, not more than 12 months from date
of manufacture, suitable for conducting patrols

•                Front seat capacity should be 3 (1+2 bench
arrangement. Rear benches and rail guards to support longer field team

Lot 2 Supply of a Brand-New Motor Cycles 10 units •                200 CC – heavy duty capable of supporting patrols

•                Maximum attainable speed I02kph

Lot 3 Speed Marine Boat 01 unit • As per the detailed specifications provided in the lengthy ToR (in WWF Website)
Lot 4 Supply of Drones. 03 units • Fixed wings with the specification provided in the detailed advert
Lot 5 Procurement of Radio Communication system 03units • As per the specifications provided in the detailed advert

The tenders prepared by the Applicant, as well as all
correspondence and documents relating to the Application exchanged by
the Applicant and WWF shall be written in English and currency used
shall be a combination of USS and EUROS and not any other. Supporting
documents and printed correspondents provided by the Applicant shall be
in English

This project
is exempted from taxes, WWF will facilitate to provide the VAT exemption
certificate, for the imported goods, price will be CIF Dar es salaam
and WWF will facilitate the clearance

Tenderers should submit their tender electronically. The electronic tendering submission procedures shall be:

  • The Tenderer shall submit electronic bids to the procurement email
    provided in para # 5.3 all to include technical (if any), the company
    profile, eligibility in the tender applied for and financial in a single
  • Tender subject depends on the Lot(s) applied for, eg.
    Tender application Supply of brand-new motor vehicles, supply of
    brand-new patrol boats etc.
  • The Tenderer shall then scan the
    completed original documents, forms in PDF files with appropriate
    filename and serve as PDF (Adobe acrobat) version 4.0 or above.
  • Electronic tenders shall be send to the procurement email at; addressed to The Secretary, Procurement Committee, WWF Tanzania; Off Mwai Kibaki Street Mikocheni, P.0. Box 63117 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Tel: +255 22 277 5346/277 2455/270 0077; website;
  • All tenders should reach us by or before 10am, Tuesday, 21st May 2024 – EAT Interested applicants may get the detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) through the following websites:
  • WWF
    TCO reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the applications
    without assigning any reason thereof. The late application shall not be
    accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstance.
  • Each
    of the tenders above are independent of each other (each Lot stands and
    is applied separately). Only successful tenderers will be contacted.
    Late Tenders, portion of Tenders, Tenders not submitted Shall not be
    accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances.
    Go to our Homepage To Get Relevant Information.

has a principle of zero tolerance for fraud and corruption, if you
encounter such an incident, then report by sending an email to


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Deputy Chief of Party – USDA Tanzania

New Job Vacancies at WWF Tanzania May 2024